better than the last ones...
but still nothing great...i think the score it's way to high for the quality of the not bad...but is not as good as the score says either...this score it's the score series like A Projet Called Zero got...which in my opinion it's animated and choreographed way better than this...
Story's something different but the ending left me with no desire to watch the next one...with a line like "oh crap" and more clones showing isnt that good of a cliffhanger...judging by we've seen we know he can take them all with one nothing exciting about it..
Another thing is the sound...the music still needs more punch...the sounds...well it's just the same way as the first episodes...crappy sounds over and over again...
With better choreography...cleaner backgrounds and better frame rate may help a little..but can't expect big changes for the next one...good...but as most stuff in doesnt deserve that score..